This should be in Random Section me thinks, but anyways if there was no hentai or porn then FAKKU would not exist. I probably be on a game forum or be playing an MMO and become a WoW junkie maybe ....or probably be on an anime forum. Another possibility is I would have graduated and gotten by BA or Masters by now...
I would be Still on my laptop, listening to my hardstyle music, playing my ps3 and out finding a job, It does not affect my social life. Its just a hobby and something to kill time.
I'm absolutely serious about this, I never found out about sex until I saw porn.
Plus, I don't wanna be alone with a girl and do "This goes here and you do that" or be totally clueless - thinking "I know I have to do something... but I don't know what...".
P.S: I'm referring if there wasn't any porn to start with. Mankind would cease to exist *No Sex-Ed either*
Dyou mean it all disappeared or it never existed?
If it disappeared, i would probably...
If it never know, i wouldn't relaly be missing anything i never knew. Probably woudl die of boredom
You know, just cuz there is no porn does not mean there is no sex. Porn is pretty much any recording of such activities, if no one records it...