This user has received -3 reputation for this post.
I love how virgins think neg reping someone is revenge for butthurting the weeb feelings. None of you have the girth. It's like calling me a big fat poopiehead.
To restate the previous feelings of your butthurt.
You're a fag who like shit.
K-on is beneath a five year old mental handicap's intelligence.
Fate/anything plot and characters are horrible. Oh were all reincarnated people and we fight with mages to get the holy grail. Like the Holy grail was a cup.. Silly retards.
Clannad the anime was so fucking terrible that even hardcore weebs and moe blobs hate it. Anything i can say can't even rise to that fact.
Madoka is just like Antw0n said it was. So horrible i still haven't finished the ep 1.. i watched more k-on then Fucking Faggot Madoka.
But in the end. You don't like it... then go. No one's forcing you to be here. Actually people don't like some of the anime i do.. guess what i do. Nothing. I DON'T CARE ABOUT YOUR FEELING NOR OPINIONS. Unless you can give me a reason why. So neg rep until jebus comes to take to hell... i don't care, if anything.. my penis is getting hard.
Now back to this convo.
I nevered played psp fate/zero.