Well its only on episode 4 and 3 fansubs are working on it.(GundamS, Menclave, Nyoro~n) The series is building up really good. The new shiny mechs and military plot is working real good too since they're all based on a giant solar powered generator in space that beams down 3 elevators to earth sending energy to the 3 different factions of the work. It takes place in the 24th century and is followed by a neutral military faction that's sole purpose is to eradicate all war. They call themselves the Celestial Being and name the Gundam pilots the Gundam Meisters.
You can find the episodes either on Veoh or if you want the real good quality (which i highly suggest) you can get it off the Menclave website through torrents. Hope you enjoy the eye candy.
You can just feel da Shoop da WHOOPS! cant you.