To tell the truth, I don't really know what Working!! is all about, apart from the fact that its storyline revolves around the characters under the employment of a restaurant named "Wagnaria", located in Hokkaido.
Based on what I have read and seen so far, Working!! appears to fall under the slice-of-life and comedy genre. For once, I don't think there is too much fanservice involved (OMG, Gambler watching a non-ecchi show!?) and I am hoping the jokes will keep me interested. In addition, the cheerful atmosphere of Wagnaria will definitely bring a smile to one's face, at the end of a tiring day.
A wallpaper which I downloaded from the official website:
Do visit the official anime website at Surprisingly, lots of information have already been put up, including its promotional video, as well as previews of its opening and ending themes. Perhaps it is just me, but a couple of characters resemble Sanji (One Piece), Taiga (Tora Dora) and Ryuji (Tora Dora) respectively.
Is Working!! on anyone else's watch-list for the season of Spring 2010?
Edit: While going through some of my old threads, I just realized that ArashiX mentioned that a second season is currently in the works and scheduled for airing in October 2011.