So the Second series has been out for a while and I was wondering if anyone else is keeping track of it.
Just watched episode 3 from [A.F.K] and I must say I'm loving it the whole series so far.
There's a part where they over dramatise stupid matters that had me loling for ages.
... Of course other people are watching this! I'm still trying to figure out how a.f.k. chooses their anime. I mean they subbed Haruhi, Lucky Star, and this! That aside, there's nothing to comment on since just about every SZS episode is equally awesome. I have to say that Ep. 02 of SZS and ZSZS are my favorites.
afk just picks whatever they want. Sure they're a good translator and do very good quality work, but it's only one guy, so he's slow as hell. To be honest, his stuff isn't worth waiting for if instead we can have speedsubs. Which is why Guerrand finished Lucky Star and then Bure and Baka-Tsuki, and then Bure-Tsuki tried to finish SZS.
I already downloaded episode 3, haven't seen it yet. To be honest, the show is really starting to lose its gimmick now.
This series is definitely one of my favorites. I've lol'd countless times while watching it and it's something I can watch over and over again. You can just choose a random episode and enjoy it whenever you are bored. All the characters in it are great too. If you haven't watched this series you have to ASAP.