Spicy Mang0 wrote...
The Right Stuf Intl. carries pretty much all Fakku! titles at good prices 😎ðŸ‘ðŸ½
For digital versions, I buy from this website, Rakuten Kobo, and Barnes & Noble.
There were actually some titles that were out of stock on rightstufanime that FAKKU Store offered through amazon, like Flappy! and Shameless (I want to hit myself for not purchasing these. I wanted to check if there would be any black friday sale before buying .. dang!)
The prices are about $20 (or $18 with a 10% coupon) in rightstufanime. Is that a good price or do they get even lower? I saw a few black Friday sales for $14, but just for a few titles.
cryptonic wrote...
Ebay did the same thing. Completely nuked the adult only tab (or whatever it was called) and now people can't sell what eBay deems as pornographic. So ya, they're cracking down hard this year (which is why Fakku got fucked with the store).
But I would honestly just wait til Fakku is up and running. Better to get it from the source anyway. Especially if you get a free digital copy.
Dang I see.. That sucks.
Aye, I'm really looking forward to Fakku's physical store. I just hope the shipment cost to the EU won't be too expensive like rightstufanime (about $50).