zarion wrote...
You have to be naive to think you're supporting the industry in any significant form by paying an overseas distributor. Unless there is a special agreement of some sort we haven't heard of, then the publisher will pocket the licensing fees and Fakku keeps the money it earned on sales. If you wanted to "support the industry" as you put it, then you would've bought the original Japanese release. I got mine to check the quality of the work. So far I can only say that it's still downloading, has been for the last 10 minutes. Maybe you ought to invest in a high speed broadband connection next, Jacob.
What up, zar! Have you heard of marketing, spreading legality, and barrier free commercializing of a product? It's not about who gets the money, it's about expanding the potential and demand of a market. Capitalism, do you speak it?
Edit: Sorry, didn't notice the way I said it was kinda aggressive, but yeah, more people buying, more demand, bigger market---> customers benefit.
P.S. I see you (On E-hentai that is)