Caladbolg1208 wrote...
Order ID: #29647 12/03/2014
Customer: Caladbolg1208
Products: 2
Total: $41.36
Status: Processing
Peachy-Butt Girls is the one not accessible.
iEatHotWings wrote...
I had initially only bought Peachy-Butt Girls, but I wasn't able to read it online. I said screw it and reordered it, along with Welcome to Tokoharu Apartments and Alluring Woman. BECAUSE TEMPTATIONS. I was able to read all three of them just fine after that.:D
Is there any way I can cancel and get a refund the first order of Peachy-Butt Girls? @-@'
The order number is:
Order ID:27656 12/02/2014
Customer: iEatHotWings
Products: 1
Total: $24.92
I already sent an email to the store, and the PayPal charge has gone through already.
Thanks in advance if ya do decide to help me out. ^u^
Just send an email to with all your info and we'll get your other order refunded. Sorry for the problems.
tswarthog wrote...
Hello Jacob,
Not so much as not being able to access the books online, however I had a question regarding processing vs completed order status.
Two of my previous orders #23019 and #19772 are currently in the status of processing, however I do have access to the online copies (yay!).
Just tonight with another purchase, #30267, the status was updated as complete almost immediately.
Any cause for concern regarding the two orders on a pending status?
I believe it's because those orders are for the paperback + digital, the issues seem to be coming from the huge amount of orders for the digital editions. It's basically just clogging the pipes and some random orders aren't getting the books immediately. I'm working on fixing it, someones gotta clean these pipes.