So I've been working on a new version of the
Premium Reader, and at this point it's usable enough that we've decided to start a
subscriber-only beta for it!
Enter the beta here.
You can also leave the beta from the same link afterwards.
So what's in the beta reader compared to the current reader? Most notably, it has two much-requested features:
Thumbnail View
Two-Page Mode
We're looking for user feedback on the performance of the new reader.
This is the main reason why we're opening up the beta to you all. So if you have iPhones, iPads, Android phones, Android tablets, give the new reader a try and report back how it works! Of course, you don't need to limit your feedback to just the performance - feel free to throw any ideas, thoughts or comments at us!
Reporting issues
Since the reader is still in beta, there's bound to be issues around here and there. When reporting said issues, it would be helpful to:
- Tell what device you are using
- Tell what browser you are using
- Making sure both of those are as up-to-date as possible!
Using the New Reader
The new reader functions largely the same as the old one in terms of keyboard/mouse/touch controls, so you can refer to the existing
Premium Reader Help for that. There are some new options in the
Options Menu, though, and here's what they are:
Page Display Mode
This gives you three options,
Single Pages Only,
Singles with Spreads and
Two Pages when Possible, with the default the middle one. To enable two-page mode, simply choose the last option. Note that basically all sub chapters start with on a single page, though. Right now, the first two options also will always give you just single pages, as we don't have the proper metadata for spreads available right now, but later on this should show you any two-page spreads as such by default while any other pages will be displayed alone.
Mouse Sensitivity
Something new in this version is that pressing the mouse wheel (if supported) allows you to enter a
Free Scrolling Mode (doing this for the first time will pop up a message asking your browser to allow the page to lock your mouse pointer - you should allow it), after which you can move your mouse to scroll the page and use the mouse wheel to zoom in/out. If you don't have a mouse wheel to click, you can also toggle this mode with the
C key on the keyboard. The
Mouse Sensitivity setting controls how much your mouse movement scrolls the page in this mode.
Scroll Wheel Sensitivity
If scrolling with the mouse wheel or trackpad feels too slow or fast to you, you can adjust the scrolling speed with this setting.
Fit to Width if Overwidth (+ But Not When Viewing Two Pages)
The basic option here is the same as in the old reader - if the page width with the selected
Page Scaling would be wider than the window / screen width, the page is scaled down to fit said width. But now it also comes with a suboption,
But Not When Viewing Two Pages, which allows you to disable the overwidth fitting behavior when two pages (spreads) are displayed.
Anyway, that's all for now. Thanks in advance for any feedback, and I hope the new reader makes you enjoy FAKKU content even more than before!