HououinKyouma wrote...
Royal Koyanagi worked with Wani but his works are mostly away from it, and his tank isn't Wani either. Fei (it's a she) doesn't work with them, nor does Fue. Doumou partly does but that particular tank does not fall under their flag. The Wani tank, Iinari Acme, is better anyhow.
I feel this whole thread is getting weird because there's too many people who learned names only through scanlations. Wani has got several high quality authors with either little translations or none at all, they haven't even scratched the surface, in my opinion it's somewhat silly to request
meme names that don't even belong with Wani.
Yeah it seems many of my favorites aren't under Wani, though the material they do have looks great too. There's just so much of it like you said.