JohnFNSeiler wrote...
Sunstone by Stjepan Šejić
Sex Criminals from Matt Fraction and Chip Zdarsky kind of got the ball rolling in a mainstream way that western ero comics can sell in big numbers.
I really enjoyed Sunstone!
I got into Sex Criminals because of the name, but I would argue that it isn't an erotic comic, rather it is much more a comic with occasionally nudity. The sex scenes are fairly short (usually 1 page) and fairly non-explicit. I would say that there isn't really a mainstream erotic book beyond Moore's Lost Girls, in that it is explicit.
My criteria of eroticism, inspired by
Echo Chernik's thoughts. That eroticism is at the least titillating, but mostly an engagement of the erotic/sensual senses. While to a degree it is a matter of taste, in most erotica the participants are GGG and enjoying of the sexual experience.
That is why I would put Sex Criminals and Lost girls at one end of a spectrum, 'Yes Roya' and other Iron Circus works/ 'I Roved Out' in the middle, and then most Slipshine/Alfie at the other end.
Particularly Lost Girls, while sexually explicit and perhaps erotic to some tastes, it is largely non-consensual and shows little enjoyment of actual sex. For most of the characters, sex is used as a weapon against them (particularly Alice).
Thanks for the other recommendations, I'll check them out!