i will start this post bc some of the mods thinks that iam only leaving a short message about how i'am disappointed in the choice of license
YQII wrote...
...Please do this and I'm more than happy to address any concerns there. Your comments in this thread will be delete to prevent them from derailing the thread...
but i will sum up everything that i got told over the years and why i said that "i get slept in the face".
everything statrted when they got the license for G4M back that day for Vol.14 and backwards:
YQII wrote...
...Finally we have one last announcement that we're really happy to be able to share with you. In addition to all the newer issues coming out in the future,
we also have access to all the backissues from these three magazines!...
then it turns out that the mag wasn't that popular across the Fakku Vanilla audience and was put back for the time being.
YQII wrote...
The magazine has not performed as well as we had hoped, so for the time being, we're focusing on our other magazines. We plan on getting to it eventually, but I don't expect that to happen for at least a month or two. Once we pick it up, we'll include it in the most recent
monthly preview thread on this forum.
and of the request of some ppl who wanted to see more of G4M the Fakku staff answered:
Jacob wrote...
For now, we're holding off on picking up the next issue of Girls forM. Instead, we will be treating this as a
rotating magazine slot. That means we might switch between issues of Comic Koh, Girls forM, Comic Unreal, Comic Happining, or one of the many other magazines we have access to.
Jacob wrote...
There is nothing stopping us from doing older issues of these magazines, other than the amount of time and staff it takes to complete each issue. We are now in a position where we have to decide whether it's best to do another issue of
Comic Koh vs
Girls forM vs
another magazine entirely.
To elaborate a little more, we've published 4 issues of Girls forM and 1 issue of Comic Koh, yet the 1 issue of Comic Koh outperformed all 4 issues of Girls forM
combined. That doesn't mean we're going to stop doing Girls forM, but it does mean that picking up another issue of Comic Koh before Girls forM makes more sense. On top of that, we want to try more new magazines like Comic Unreal or Comic Happining, and this is the rotaional slot to use.
To summarize, we will continue doing Girls forM, but we are going to mix it in with other magazines so it will end up coming out sporadically.
i did understand that they had to make decision between the popular magazines and the niche G4M because they didn't had the staff to handle that much magazines and now you read that they licence even more new mags even they have some old stuff that isn't done yet.
then you should said from the beginning: "guys the G4M isn't doing that great we are going to drop it". so i would know and wouldn't wait that long for more releases. i got a sub only bc i know that you would have some day such mags like G4M and i was really happy when you are announced it but if i know that you wont support it any longer i would canceled it months ago.
sorry for my bad english but i needed to say this.