Anime Expo 2015

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Anime Expo 2015 is going to be big! You can read all our pre-show announcements here, but for a quick summary...

Exhibit Hall

Find us at Booth #211 right next to Pony Canyon!


Special Guest: Toshio Maeda

Toshio Maeda is a legendary Japanese hentai manga artist and one of the most influential artists of the 1980s and 1990s. Many of his works; including Urotsukidoji, La Blue Girl, Demon Beast Invasion, and Adventure Kid, have received anime adaptations that are known throughout the world.

FAKKU has teamed up with Toshio Maeda on some exciting new projects that we will be announcing at our "Hentai Manga and Doujinshi" panel on Saturday night. You’ll be able to find him all weekend in the Exhibit Hall at Booth #1732.

Special Guest: Bosshi

Bosshi is one of the most popular hentai artists due to his unique style which has placed him on the forefront of the scene in Japan. His first English release Peachy-Butt Girls was one of the best-selling hentai manga published in the United States in 2014. Many of his works, including Futabu!, Mizugi Kanojo, and Oujo-sama wa H ga Osuki have received anime adaptations.

At Anime Expo 2015 Bosshi will be making available an exclusive doujin for his American fans, similar to what would be available at Comiket, marking the first time a Japanese hentai artist has produced a doujin specifically for a Western audience. And don't worry, for those of who can't make it to Anime Expo the digital edition of his exclusive doujin is available for pre-order right now!

FAKKU! x Native

We've partnered up with Native to officially bring their figures to a United States event for the first time. Native will have a display at our booth (Booth #211) where they will be showcasing select figures. There will even be one very special figure available for purchase. You'll have to hurry though, there will only be 30 for sale so if you are a figure collector make sure you get to our booth as fast as possible!

New Merchandise

At Anime Expo 2015 we will be debuting a ton of new merchandise, including: books, posters, shirts, and an exclusive doujin from Bosshi. We'll have new items from artists like Ishikei, Henreader, Hisasi, Homunculus, Pyon-Kti, and more! Here's a teaser of some new merchandise we'll have available at our booth.


Thursday July 2, 2015 11:15pm - 12:15am - Live Programming 4 (LP4) (LACC - 411)

Toshio Maeda: Creator of La Blue Girl & Legend of the Overfiend
Friday July 3, 2015 9:15pm - 10:45pm - Live Programming 4 (LP4) (LACC - 411)

FAKKU Presents: Hentai Worth Watching
Friday July 3, 2015 11:30pm - 1:00am - Live Programming 3 (LP3) (LACC - 408AB)

FAKKU Presents: Bosshi and Toshio Maeda Q&A
Saturday July 4, 2015 10:15pm - 11:15pm - Live Programming 3 (LP3) (LACC - 408AB)

FAKKU Presents: Hentai Manga & Doujinshi
Saturday July 4, 2015 11:30pm - 12:45am - Live Programming 3 (LP3) (LACC - 408AB)
Here we go~!

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looks awesome, wish i could go. Hope everyone has fun that's going :)
ema-nyan Nightly fapper
So jealous!!! Plz record the panels and sell the figures on the fakku store! Hope that everyone who goes has a blast :)
I won a Native Figurine from a contest in Anime Los Angels for free, but I wish I had the money to go buy and another one~! Really great quality,

Forum Image:

except the potato quality of the photo I took lol.
General Accel wrote...
I won a Native Figurine from a contest in Anime Los Angels for free, but I wish I had the money to go buy and another one~! Really great quality,

Forum Image:

except the potato quality of the photo I took lol.

Sounds like you won Rock, Paper, Scissors against Mamitan of GSC :p

More detailed photo of same figure:
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If I find a pair of ruby slippers, a lamp, well or a shooting star (or a sugar daddy lol) I know what I am wishing for (TT^TT)b
Lamdo The Goat - Lamdont
So those 30 figures that will be for sale, what's the policy on the hour head start of the premium passes? Are those of us with just normal passes screwed if at least 30 of them happen to want to buy them?

Also how often is Bosshi going to be at the fakku booth? I wanna try to get my books signed if I can.

Gonna try to hit all up 5 panels, gonna be tough considering how its gotten drastically harder to get into them as the years have gone by.
Question will your booth be taking credit cards as payment? Or is it cash only? Need to prepare myself depending on what the native figure you guys are selling...
What if I attended all the panels but couldn't stay for the end of the convention will I still be able to receive the gift?
Lamdo wrote...
Also how often is Bosshi going to be at the fakku booth? I wanna try to get my books signed if I can.

Due to rules stated by Anime Expo, all autographs must take place at the designated autograph area of Anime Expo. We'll be releasing the autograph times closer to the convention.

EKing wrote...
Question will your booth be taking credit cards as payment? Or is it cash only? Need to prepare myself depending on what the native figure you guys are selling...

We take both credit cards and cash :)
Mr.Everwood will see you now ;)
I REALLY wish I could attend.

But hopefully I'll get to participate from a distance if someone records or transcribes, and the merchandise being available online. Perhaps I can attend next year.
Jacob, seriously, I'm absolutely speechless how far FAKKU has come. This is some unbelievable stuff; the new merch which you have ALREADY acquired, the partnership with Native - everything. I cannot believe you even have Toshio Maeda in addition to Bosshi. I really wish I could attend but I can't since I live in the UK. But honestly, kudos. This is amazing.
Hanayome Ultimate Laziness
If only the figures, posters and shirts could also be sold through the Fakku! store

I don't think there is a single expo i can get to in Aus that features a booth even remotely like yours... oh how those who can attend should count them self's lucky and i know if i could attend it would be while wearing my Mega Milk shirt with pride. Aside from sounding like a winger i'm really happy for you all at Fakku that you keep doing well and will be happy to be coming back for many years to come =)
[img][/img] ^^^So is this going to be a poster? And where can I get it asides anime expo? And where is it from? I recognize it but can't place where.
Lamdo wrote...
So those 30 figures that will be for sale, what's the policy on the hour head start of the premium passes? Are those of us with just normal passes screwed if at least 30 of them happen to want to buy them?

I'd like to know the answer to this as well, if possible.
Arcad84 wrote...
Forum Image:

^^^So is this going to be a poster? And where can I get it asides anime expo?
And where is it from? I recognize it but can't place where.

It's from PuniKano, specifically It's a Succubus Assault!
If I could go I'll burn down the pony canyon booth for fun and righteousness for Denki-gai. Sadly I can go to get me some bosshi since I have to spend my birthday with family. Maybe someone will have it on ebay I can buy it off of them.
So unbelievably super bummed I can't be there. Come to New York with all this cool stuff and I shall make purchase of it all!
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