well seeing as my cosplay are the result of my utter laziness. I still think that my broke Merchant (RE4) is going fun. Since the only thing I'll have to sell are free hugs.
If you mean by scratch by making it out of cardboard, yup yup.
Can't exactly commission someone to do a mecha cosplay. I'm sure you could, but it would probably be expensive as hell.
Made an issun outfit out those black skintight onesees, a straw hat spraypainted black, a shit load of makeup, a black wooden sword I got from a mall once, and wired green and red lights from the hat down my neck and to a switch on each arm(which was highly uncomfortable) & antennas from more twisted up straw & glued to hat. I only did all that so she would dress up as Kamiya from Kamiki. Hehe I got to see her ass that whole time *). But hers was actually harder to make( especially with the light, which we gave up on. I was already a christmas tree anyway.) Damn it was fun but irritating. Think it took 4 hours just to put on.... Gotta love Okami!
Ive done four cosplays that I have made, and i'm currently working one now. :D
Check out my cosplay account for pics http://www.cosplay.com/member/80139/
I've made all of mine from scratch by myself and it's actually been a lot of fun! (If not REALLY frustrating sometimes). Oddly enough the hardest ones always seem to be the really simple ones and the hard looking ones just pull together really nicely.