Pink-Rabbit wrote...
Tsurayu wrote...
razama wrote...
Tsurayu wouldn't say no to someone dressing up like Kaede from Shuffle!
Actually yes, yes I would. People who cosplay like that annoy me. Especially unnatural hair colors. While orange isn't unnatural, bright orange like that - Strawberry Blonde whatever- is extremely rare and I don't think anyone could pull that off. :P
one of my friends is a natural strawberry blonde
I dyed my hair that colour once but I rarely dye it, I like my colour XD
I know a girl who is naturally strawberry blonde, but her hair is so frizzy there is no way she could straighten it to look like Kaede. XD
My hair is dark brown, nearly black, so there really isn't much I can do wit it. Unfortunately early male-pattern baldness runs in my family too so I keep my hair really short for the inevitable fact that I will be bald in like less than ten years. Just hope I can pull of the bald look. Some bald men are drop dead gorgeous, and some just can't pull it off. XD