shiki08 wrote...
Yuuki: The topic is great (I wrote this already back then), but I have two problem.
- There are no download links, and its a pain in the ass to get down every one of them. Could you provide a link like other topics do? ..Please..
The second one is related to the first:
- The structure is non-consistent. If I save down every picture to ~10. page, I bookmark that page. Start to save the new ones. And see there are new ones at the start of the topic. :-/
Could you provide some easier way to download ? :/ Thank you very much in advance.
I won't be providing download link sorry, you will have to stick to one by one saving > . . < It's really hard to pose for a picture you know. I know that myself.
shiki08 wrote...
Am I right they are not from Japan ? Or they are from some poor family ? Or why?...)
This thread is about cosplayers worldwide, well of course they're not from a poor family since the costume is expensive.
They could either be Upperclass or Middle Class.
To guys:
Please don't neg rep him > . <
And I'll be updating again soon