gizgal wrote...
deadsx wrote...
ok, as with what the others said, it probably has something to do with the name in english/jap, and some spelling mistakes.
Most of what I found are 404's cause of some spelling mistake, but probably might be best to remove these dead links anyways to reduce clutter.
See, a while back I migrated all oddly-multi-series manga to ONE respective tag (for example, we had a bunch of variations on "Spice and Wolf" and the Nanoha series, but I brought them each under one correct Series tag that was most accurate). However, even though those Series tags that were emptied disappeared from the main Series tag page listing, on the Search bar they still come up (I think) and are disrupting proper searching.
Maybe the search bar should forward these common variations of series/franchise names.
Hmm... another layer of complexity to search.
It's doable, but I'm not sure it's a good idea until the rest of the site has been fixed. (Beyond the ever clamored for file server, I also mean small things like the translator data-sheets or the darn CSS styling on elements).