Tsurayu wrote...
And the laziness of members is reason enough for new members to have some kind of sanction from posting so much that they aren't allowed to bump things off the first page? Do you even read what you type out? It sounds ludicrous.
And who cares how we treat new members? That's a good stance. Maybe we should just put a big sign on the front of Fakku that says "You're new? GTFO!" Or fine, realistically, hide behind a veil of caring when a member steps on a few select members egos when they post too much.
Yeah, because Writings is so important that we don't dare make someone have to fish around that board for the stories they want. I love how you lay claim to that board after a handful of dumb contests somehow made people realize "Oh, look, we had a Writings board?" And people wonder why veterans of that board like Joe-kun are pissed at the arrogant presumption of everyone involved in those contests.
mfw I think you must be retarded. It's not "bump a few things off of the first page" it's "replace the entire first page of a section with inane 'contributions' so that someone can raise their post count"
By your logic, why are there even rules about spamming? Why not just kill a bunch of threads so that I can get a bunch of posts in one day? It just comes down to consideration.
I specifically said that it would be a problem if we treated all new members like this as a standard, so I'm wondering if you even read my post:
If we hated new members as a whole than it would be a problem
Also, I don't "lay claim" to anything, and I can honestly not even begin to see where you could have gotten that assumption unless you simply post responses without actually reading what I write, which is looking more and more likely. Dumb contests? Sure the contests themselves may have caused a flood of poor writing that bumped everything around the writing section, but they also got attention to the forum and caused a few new members to make accounts and start solidly contributing (Xenon for example), and for that I think they were helpful.
I don't think you realize the near-zero degree of attention anything off of the front page in the writing section gets. Right now, threads there average about 8 responses, a few of which are usually from the thread creator, so lets cut that number down to 5, before it leaves the front page. After that, it is rare that it gets any more responses, unless the writer updates it or advertises it in their sig. Since almost every writing thread dies after leaving the front page, it is horribly insensitive to bump a ton of shit and bury anything on the front page in a deluge of old threads.
Am I a veteran of the writing section? No. I'm relatively new to the section.
Does that really matter? No.
Is Joe pissed off for any good reason? Not that I can see. He seems to do fine in the section, and maybe if he explained his dissatisfaction himself I would understand, but currently, I can't see the reason.
The reason I am using the writing section as an example, and telling HP not to spam there, is that it is fundamentally different from every other board, and should be handled accordingly. If you feel the need to babble more nonsense about me "claiming the writing section" or me saying we should hate new users, or that somehow everyone will suddenly change and look through pages upon pages of each section to find a thread that they missed, please feel free to think before posting this time.