I was looking through some manga updates a while back and came across one that would be great for the Ecchi section. It's called Bousou Shojo, by Sora Torikawa, who I believe is an alternate name for Enomoto Heights. (The art style is similar, and the series even shows Yanagida and Mizuno in one chapter!)
The basic plot line is the main girl (Makino Yayoi) is so desperate to preserve her chastity until she turns twenty that she "reverse rapes" a rather rough fellow from her school that she believes is trying to rape her using all sorts of innovative ways, from a basic hand-job to implementing castanets and a tambourine to a hot dog bun, all the while making him think that they actually up and fucked (It's something you've got to read to believe). It's a really funny series, even though the heroine is rather ditzy and takes pretty much everything in a perverted way.
Oh, yeah, a link: http://www.mangafox.com/manga/bousou_shojo/
Once again, this is a great series which would be a wonderful addition to Fakku's library, and I hope to see it in the selection soon!