Flaser wrote...
Actually I support the idea, as no matter how many mods & admins Jacob mints, they won't be able to keep up with the tide of new content the site has, never mind back-tagging the old.
However it *shouldn't* be a free for-all, as we've seen the kind of anarchy that leads to. This calls for moderation... which minted mods & admins couldn't handle! We'd be back on square one.
The only alternative is the democratisation of moderation too. Let the users moderate themselves. The systems we should keep an eye on are indeed the various *boorus and e-hentai.
The flipside of this "plan" is that it can't be done half-baked. The needed features have to be in place at the same time, or we'll end up with a tide of excrement on our hands.
Tags can't be an on-off affair, they'd need to be voteable, granting community the ability to come to a consensus. Users could then fine-tune their "tag-threshold" (how many votes a tag has to have before it shows up in their search). Down- and up-votes should be tracked separately, so controversial items are highlighted by default and a vote-casts should be searchable by date, making vote-spamming easier to filter and remove. (In fact rules limiting the up/down-votes on tags could make this easier, say a tag can't receive more than 10 votes within an hour if it already has 20 votes).
Mods should be able to lock certain titles from community tagging et all, lock in certain tags, (so they can't be removed) or lock tags out (blacklists). Tagging rights should also be revokable and mods should be able to punish troll taggers with a single click. (I.e. all voters voting NTR in a vanilla title).
The nifty thing about the scheme is that with this moderation in place, restrictions on user created tags could be loosened in time.
However this *can't* be pulled off in the ad-hoc manner Jacob usually develops features. To work, to be implementable it'd have to be planned, specifications drawn up, coded and tested before the feature is let loose on the community...
...all in all, a pipe-dream knowing what HR assets the site has at its disposal.