Iam1vs100xp wrote...
It seems like the OP is NEW to the internetz, considering that he's scarred for life in that old lemonparty site
We acknowlegde you as LEGAL already.
Nobody yet is rediected to that site, unless you have a virus on your computer.
1.)Ads are supposed to show only ONCE.
2.)No advertisment will redirect you into those sites, they need to earn too, not to scare people.
SOLUTION - Adblock
And by the way OP, [color=red]you are lying[/color] in some of your statements.
PS : Waar is a MODERATOR
It seems you can't relate to the problem that I had. In the past people have had troubles being redirected to websites when trying to read doujins online at this site, this is a similar situation. I appreciate your solution, but it's already dealt with. And considering you're just another internet stranger that's trying to rub me off the wrong way, do you honestly think I care if you acknowledge me as legal/think I'm lying?
Waar wrote...
To be fair, I can't delete his topic.
No one insulted you, it's not an insult to be called a newfag. You said you were a teen and then said you're 20, it's fairly clear one of the two statements is false. The reason no one answered your question is because we don't know. I've never heard of this issue in the past.
The term has the word fag in it. Let me call you a fag in real life - let's see if you answer to it.
So I can't call myself a teenager if I'm 20? You guys gonna go off on what the clear-cut righteous definition of a "teen" is? Save yourself the effort. If no one else has anything to say related to my question then I don't see a reason to post. It doesn't matter anymore, like I said earlier I got the problem resolved. At this point this thread has become useless - this is the last time I'm going to post here.