This thread will be featuring ideas to attract new users. Please post your suggestions in this thread.
More users = more page views = more money for jacob
- Starting another MoteMote or Garfest
Many older users (who are still active) have stated that the previous games have made them join. Setting up these games can be a bit of a bother though, have I heard.
Similar are the "Ask me anything" threads. A further idea would be for the staff to record themselves answering the questions asked.
People always like to be on video.
- Discount in the shop if you're a (gold) user.
Further idea: ... with X amount of Y. X could be 100, Y could be posts.
- Uploading more hentai from a series/character/artist/tag chosen by a poll
Judging by the "Best Couple Ranking!" poll this might be a hit. The problem would be if translators can't/doesn't want to cooperate.
The possibility of spam and unwanted user come with all these ideas.