I just gotta know, is there not anyone out there who knows about
Irfanview? I've never seen anyone recommend this program, the best small footprint image cropping/editing/resizing/etc program that was essential from my Windows98 days to the present. Seriously, check it out everyone. Don't let "image viewer" fool you, I use this every time I want to cut images apart without having to open Photoshop. In fact I hardly use Photoshop unless I'm editing Megami/Nyantype scans.
Cropping is as simple as opening a picture, dragging your mouse down the area you want to crop (look at the top of the program to see the dimensions of what you're cutting out) and once you have your desired crop, ctrl+Y and voila! Easy crop, and then you can have fun if you want to sharpen, enhance, censor pixelize or what have you.
Spread the word folks. Irfanview is the oldest active program I have been using on every computer that I have used, and it should not be missed.