Today I bought MEME50 Box (Physical Box Set + Digital). By the way, I erased my email address for personal information
But when I checked 'FAKKU Books', It still shows 'Purchase' button.
Other Books I bought, shows 'In Library'.
When I clicked MEME50 Box, it shows 'Purchase' and I can't Download PDF file or read online.
MEME50 Box contains
* Quinn of the Night
* Our Pet Danua
* Destitute Warrior Princess Heles
* Hurl Ryuu
* Hoshizora Ikuyo's 40 Year Old Grand Return
* Elf Prostitute
these titles, and I can read and download them fine. Only MEME50 box, I can't download or read it.
In 'Library', I can read 'Hurl Ryuu', which is a part of MEME50 Box, but I can't read MEME50 Box.
What's wrong with it? Please help me.
In Library, I can't see other titles like 'Elf Prostitute' or 'Our Pet Danua'.
But I could see them in 'Read history'. Any help with that too please?
Thank you.
PS 2. I already asked this question on other Topic, but I'm just asking it in here again so I could get the answer faster. Sorry if it's the against the rules.