With so many artists now in the subscription, I think having the list like Fakku used to would be nice. I realized this when I couldn't remember that artist with the long-ass name (Yamada no Seikatsu ga Daiichi). It would be helpful in other ways as well, such as having a place where you can see an artist name, click on it, and sample their works instead of having to know the name. This will be especially useful for new subscribers as the subscription gets more magazines and thus more artists and they will have lots of content available to them.
Doesn't even have to be a tab, an option to sort by artist under the manga tab as it used to be would do as well. I actually found myself looking for a certain artist's work just a day or two ago and not being able to easily do it was quite a bad surprise. Artist pages do exist, so a way to access them easily should be there as well.
I agree we should have a better way to make the artists more visible. We do have this page that lists everyone and allows you to do a quick search: https://www.fakku.net/artists