Hey guys. It's been a few years since I've browsed this site and I've noticed that it's changed significantly. Because of this, for some reason, I can't find any of my old favorites that I saved for some of my favorite series. I also can't sort any of the manga by parody.
Does anyone know if this function still exists on this site?
But, to tldr it:
-They removed any work they don't have licenses for
-They have no parody work at this stage for various reasons (I won't say why, because pretty sure the reason I said last time is actually mostly wrong)
-Gone to pay to read service to directly support the artists, after striking a deal with wani after they issued a dmca takedown notice
-Most favourites can still be listed as chris linked
-Things have changed here a lot in a year. I personally quite like the direction they are taking, and if things go well, I can see it taking off massively. But, it may be a little while until they manage to secure some more mags and publishers to get more content. See how things play out