I've been banging my head against my desk trying to watch ANY of the posted videos on this website, only to get a huge "FUCK YOU" everywhere I turn.
Any time I press play on one of the streams, I immediately get "200, stream not found, netstream.play.netstreamnotfound."
NOBODY else seems to have this issue, and I can't even find a SINGLE damn reference to a similar problem on these forums.
So, first to get the "idiot-filter" out of the way, yes I have the latest and most up-to-date version of the flash player. Yes, I use Google Chrome, but other browsers gave me the same issue. No, my Internet connection is not a festering pile of shit. No, my computer is not a festering pile of shit. In fact I'm using a GTX 570 for my GPU. I do not have connection issues or playback issues with other video sites. Youtube, fine. Veoh, Dandy. Flash games, no problem. Local playback, easy.
This issue has come up uniquely with your proprietary "FAKKU! Player," and frankly, it seems impossible to me that I'm the only one getting this problem, because my machine is NOT unique.
This can't be an isolated incident, and I'm counting on the veterans to see this thread and say, "Oh right, THAT crap. Disable such and such, clears it right out."
If you can, please do. Thank you.