Heyiknowthatguy wrote...
Well I suggested it cause I don't really like downloading things, and I'd rather read/watch things online. And I'm right handed and well, fapping to one page while having to keep clicking and clicking gets annoying...I really like the slideshow option some other sites has and they're still really fast.
^ This.
I would really appreciate it if FAKKU did have a slideshow feature! It makes manga easier to read because instead of clicking to "next" it automatically does it for you. Also, it helps save a bit of time loading because it loads the next page ahead of time while you are reading the current page.
If there is a zoom in feature on it too, that would be great. Anyways, I'm thinking of the kind of slideshow feature doujinmoe.us has.
ShaggyJebus wrote...
I believe Jacob said that it would be easy to implement, so I'm in favor of having it. There may not be a lot of people asking for the feature, but that doesn't mean that there aren't a lot of people who would enjoy it. What could it hurt?
I also agree to this. If it's not difficult to implement, then PLEASE do so!