Takerial wrote...
The report button is solely to deal with people who are violating the rules of the forum.
Using it for broken links is silly and will be ignored by said mods because you are being foolish.
what are you talking about? Because I am talking about this
As you can clearly see it says "report dead link" and not "report rule violations"
Zero_Hour wrote...
When you report something, the Moderators get the message and it's up to them to decide what to do. In the case of broken links, I don't think they can do anything about it other than maybe contact the one who posted it and see if he/she can replace the link.
Alright, lets come up with some ideas.
If a link is to an offsite location it should be removed (ideally replaced but if there is no time at least remove the broken one).
A lot of them are in fakku itself so there is something weird going on with the servers that causes files to disappear from fakku servers inexplicably (and quite often I might add).
Series which have all their download links removed should be placed in a special category of "lost series" where users are encouraged to resubmit it to fakku.
Not to mention that a lot of those have a broken "down from fakku" link while still allowing you to VIEW on fakku so there is nothing to reacquire, you just need to fix the broken link. That is assuming that the viewer is reading the zip/rar which is supposed to be linked rather then there being a duplicate of each manga kept in uncompressed format. If it is the latter then repackaging is needed.
If there are too many such requests for the moderators there are tons of people who would volunteer to help with this.