Found a new interesting bug. It only happens inside a thread though. So on any thread that has 11 or more pages of posts. When you click on the number of the last page when you are not on that page. will take you to one page past giving you the good ol' "This topic has no posts" thing. However, if you go to the page just before and then click next. It will then show the page. At first I thought might be because the last page is full and there has not been a new post yet. But when I looked at the last page there were only 3 posts, not enough to make there be a new page.
Anyway, if you use the "Last" page click thing it takes you to the last page fine. Same with outside a thread. If you choose to open the thread on the last page from the section it is in will load it fine also. This only occurs when I am in a thread and I cliak on the last pages number. Also I tried this with other threads, and as said it only affects threads that have 11 pages or more for some reason. If it has 10 or less it does not.
EDIT: found another bug. This only started happening after the recent time when fakku was under matinenece.
Anyway I have the forums set as my homepage. So anytime I open my internet it goes straight to the forums. Well for some reason when I do this I now get this. (screen shot in spoiler)
If I go and refresh the page the same thing appears. But if I click the forums tab on the page. It takes me to the forums. It is not that difficult to deal with just another interesting bug.
Nevermind the second bug in this post has been fixed.