Suwayer wrote...
This has probably been said before, but I couldn't find it in the FAQ or the front page here, so forgive me. I live in Eastern Canada and the lowest shipping price for a single book is 30$. I've shipped books from Canada to Europe and it cost me below 7$. This brings me here with three questions:
1. Why is UPS so expensive for where I live?
2. Are there plans to add more carriers?
3. Once several books will be available physically, will we be able to buy more than one and have them shipped together, to save on the shipping cost?
I thank you in advance for the answers.
I'll try to answer your questions here, keep in mind that my answers may not be the best, but they're what I know from my experiences with the main mail carriers so far.
1. UPS international is ridiculously expensive due to the insurance they automatically provide a package without extra charge (think it's 100 USD), the fact that all their packages can be tracked, and that packages can avoid being inspected by a countries customs agency (USPS states that government agencies can open and inspect packages without the receivers consent.)
2. If we are able to get a distributor in Canada or the United Kingdoms to carry our books, then there will likely be a cheaper option for shipping everywhere outside the United States(but only through those distributors like Book Depository or Ingram).
3. Yes, and this is partially enacted right now. If you chose to buy all of the books we're working on right now (think that's 6 physical books, available through pre-order that is) then you can pay just one shipping price. The catch is that you will not receive any of them until all books are in stock and released. Meaning the wait can be several months long.
We changed our policy on sending you the books as they came since we were spending far to much out of our own coffers paying for the additional shipping if you bought pre-order books with other items that we had in stock. So buying a t shirt and book that was on pre-order before the policy change would have you receiving the t shirt first...then waiting for the pre-ordered items release before we ship that to you. Now we just wait until we have everything before shipping it out.
If this didn't help you at all then email me at I also welcome any suggestions for cheaper shipping ideas for the FAKKU store, just don't flood me or I have to drink at work to cope.
Fucking time for Guinness.