bpfoley89 wrote...
I left Fakku quite a while ago because it just wasn't convenient to look things up en-masse or for torrenting so I wasn't waiting through loading screens all the time or having in-browser downloads drop all the time. The reason I came back today is because I just felt the effects of the Wani deal on another website and it make me look into it. And that led me here.
I think my biggest complaint is the price point.
$12.95 a month is pretty high considering the time spent looking though these. Some people like myself don't even read the content half the time and are just after the images. Others want access to the artists they like but don't masturbate often enough to justify that price.
My second major complaint is the lack of a more secure payment method. If you get hacked, like so many other sites have been the target of lately, all these users' credit/debit card information could be seriously compromised, and I don't know if you guys can cover paying for your customer's losses in the event that such a thing happens.
The Lack of Paypal to make payments more secure (though if I remember correctly, paypal says they don't wanna be used for porn) or something similar is a real worry.
I checked the list in the newsletter of artists in Wani's group, and I gotta say that the list if FILLED with most of my favorite artists, and now that you guys are getting their work in an uncensored state it looks like this could be good.
Just gotta have more options for the search engine, like picture-less, sort by, and the like. Maybe add a dark mode in User Settings so the background doesn't blind you from the page.
See you guys at Youmacon.
They don't hold any of the credit card details on site, something along the lines of gets processed and doesn't get stored on their site or something. So, no worries of a hacking revealing card details from what jacob has said.
As for the paypal dealio, yeah, they don't want anything to do with adult material. They're fine with the physical books for some reason, but won't touch digital material at all