Answers to the most common questions related to our subscription service:
FAKKU Unlimited
How much does FAKKU Unlimited cost?
14.95 USD per month.
Can I cancel my subscription at any time?
Yes, on your
subscription settings page, you'll find a "Cancel Subscription" option.
Do I still have access to features and content after cancelling my subscription?
Yes, once you've subscribed for a month, you'll have access to all features and content, future and past, until the end of that period.
Do I lose my favorites/collections after my subscription expires?
No, they remain regardless if you have access to the content or not.
Can I subscribe for longer periods of time?
The per-month cost remains the same, but you have the option to be billed every 30/90/180/365 days.
Can you add PayPal as a payment option?
No, PayPal can't be used for subscriptions with adult content.
What do I do if I have an issues with my subscription (billed twice, can't resub, can't access content, etc.)?
The best way to get help is to use the
contact form.
What content do I get access to when subscribing?
The following magazines (starting with the issue listed below):
Comic X-Eros #30
Comic Kairakuten 2015-06
Comic Shitsurakuten 2016-04
Comic Kairakuten BEAST 2016-12
Weekly Kairakuten 2019-07 (Vol.1)
Isekairakuten Vol.1
Comic Bavel 2017-01 *
Dascomi Vol.1
Comic Aoha 2019 - 2021 (All Volumes) †
Comic Gunjoh Vol.1
Select volumes from the following magazines:
Comic Happining Vol.2-4 †
Comic Europa Vol.11-21 *†
Girls forM Vol.13-16 †
Comic Koh Vol.1-3 †
Doujinshi releases ¤
FAKKU Originals ¤
Western artists ¤
anime (dubbed and subbed)
* Includes some chapters from older issues (typically prequels).
¤ Content with an Unlimited tag is available to subscribers.
† Discontinued magazines; no longer published in Japan.
How much content is this?
Over 180,000 pages of content (as of January 2024), with 110-120 new uploads (1,900-2,000 pages) each month.
All of which is uncensored and translated into English.
Where can I find all subscription content?
On the following
Where can I configure my subscription features?
On the
subscription settings page in your account settings.
Is the content uncensored or decensored?
It's all uncensored using the original art from the artists, and not recreated by us.
Is the content officially licensed?
Yes! Everything on the site is licensed, meaning the original creators in Japan are compensated.
Will you add older issues (full magazines) to the library?
We have the option to do so for the ones with an asterisk (*) in the list above.
When will you work on older issues?
If we finish the current issue before the new one comes out, we'll work on the backlog.
Will you add more magazines in the future?
Yes, our goal is to add more magazine from our current and new publishing partners.
Why was magazine X discontinued?
The exact reason is rarely made public. However, in our case, most were simply rebranded:
Comic Happining was succeeded by Weekly Kairakuten, Comic Europa by Dascomi, and Comic Koh by Comic Aoha.
Do you plan on working on more issues from discontinued magazines?
We might if there's room in our schedule, but our focus is on active magazines.
Can I download the chapters?
No. We might add an option to purchase the content in the future, which would allow for downloads.
Will you sell physical copies of the magazines?
We have no plans on doing that right now.
What does this mean for FAKKU Books?
This is a separate service, and we'll continue to release
books as normal. Note that books are sold separately and do not require a subscription.
Is there any free content?
Yes, it can be found under the
free tag.
Are there any previews for the content?
Each gallery has 12 sample images. Shorter chapters don't have previews.
Can I suggest a tag to be added to a chapter?
Yes, by using the
User Suggested Tags feature.
Can I suggest new tags to be added to the site?
Yes, by posting—and motivating—your suggestion(s) in
this topic.
Will I need a subscription to access the forums?
No, the forums will remain free just like they have up until now.
Is the support closed during weekends/holidays?
Yes, and since tickets can build up over holidays, it might take a few days extra for our staff to get back to you.
Is there an advanced search feature?
Yes, select the top search bar and either hit Enter or click the spyglass a second time.