01 ) When you come to FAKKU, what is the first thing you look at?
PMs, if none, forums. Starting with Writing section.
02 ) How often do you read the news post on the main page?
Often enough to never miss any updates. I usually just shrug the ones I don't care about though.
03) What is your favorite section on FAKKU? Why? And is there any way it can be improved?
Writing section. Idk if this is something you can do anything about, but man I wish it can be more popular. I'd love to see discussions etc.
04 ) What is your least favorite section on FAKKU? Why? And how can it be improved?
Nope. There are sections I almost never visit but it's just because I'm not interested.
05 ) Have you ever used the view online feature in the manga section? If yes, do you frequently use it?
DDL ftw.
06 ) What anime or games series would you like to see more manga based on and are there any series we don't have manga for that you would like to see?
I care more about how it's drawn/written more than the original it's from. I treat them as original works anyway.
07 ) Is there ANYTHING you think FAKKU is missing?
None I can think of atm.
08 ) How often do you visit FAKKU?
One of the sites I always visit whenever I'm online.
09 ) What keeps you coming back to FAKKU?
The forums.
10 ) What do you think about the style of FAKKU? The colors, the layouts, the text? How can it be improved?
Hmm idk. I'm so used to this layout.
12 ) If we hosted hentai flash games, would you play them?
I doubt I will.
13 ) Have you uploaded any images to the image section?
If yes, GOOD JOB! If no, GET ON IT!
I'm not sure. I forget many things.
14 ) How long have you been visiting FAKKU?
2.5 years.
15 ) How did you find out about FAKKU?
I forgot.
16 ) I know I already asked this, but seriously is there anything ELSE you would like to see on the site? I read this and immediately make the updates based on your responses.
Maybe more openness towards loli etc. I understand the financial issues, but one can wish.
17 ) What is your favorite anime?
18 ) Anything else you want to say?
Read my work, Kirei na Hoshizora. ^^