Ah. I see. Give me about 20 minutes to see if I can come up with something. I'll update this post.
Edit: So I wrote a Javascript that will allow you to remove all of your favorites. There is no way to "remove all favorites", so what the script does is loop through all of your favorites and remove them individually. Don't worry, all you need to do is run the code while you are logged in and it will do the rest. In short, I am currently putting all of your Favorites into an array, which luckily, I have a script for. When I'm done with the final code, I'll update this post again. Give me up to 20 more minutes.
Edit 2: Sorry, I have to go for about 2 to 3 hours. I'll update this post once I have the thing ready.
Edit 3: Okay so the code is here
http://www.codeshare.io/8DNSO. This code can be executed on any page. Here are some fool-proof steps to run the code on Chrome (the process is similar on other browsers):
Other users that are in the same boat and want all their Favorites removed, just PM me, I'll generate the code for you.
1. Right click anywhere on this page
2. Click Inspect Element
3. A new toolbar like thing will pop-up
4. Click Console
5. Copy the code above (everything)
6. Paste it into the Console and click Enter
7. Just wait, you have almost 4,000 Favorites and this may take a while
8. Once the code is done executing, click on your Favorites page and all the Favorites should be removed