Whilst reading ninja dependence, my computer was suddenly locked. It claimed to be a FBI lockout and wanted money or it would send a report to the government saying I was looking at child porn. After a bit of research I found it was a hoax and rolled back my computer and fixed it. I was wondering if the site could help so no one else gets the virus.
(Addendum) I rolled back my computer to an earlier state and fixed the problem. Thank you for all your posts.
pretty much the same thing just happened. except it additionally turned on webcam as well somehow and locked out internet usage claiming some copyright bull. so yeah kinda losing confidence in this site. system restore fixed the issue as well for me.
I highly doubt it was from Fakku as well, Jacob-sempai is very knowledgeable about this kind of stuff and cares far too much about Fakku to allow something like this happen.
I'll look into this, though as Waar pointed out 9 times out of 10 it is from a virus that is already on the users computer. We have over half a million unique visitors a day, if something were going on there would be a flood of reports.
And if you don't already, use Chrome as your default Internet browser.
As far as i know, it Impossible to get a Virus on this site, unless you opened another Hentai-Site or something..Never Occured to me (Even Once) whenever i opened my FAKKU! site for the last five years.
I haven't had any actual problems with viruses from the site, but once I did get a warning from chrome about a potential threat from a known malware distributor when I tried to access the site.
I've had the same thing happen on three separate occasions, each time while I've been on the site, and on no others before that for those days(except for my default). Notice: After the first time, after destroying the virus, I used HitManPro to scan my computer before coming onto the internet, and went straight from yahoo(my default) to this site... It happened again that time, and I did it a third time just for reasonable assurance...and it happened once more. I'm relatively certain that the virus is on this site, or more likely one of the advertisements has been compromised; I know just enough about programming to think of that as a possibility. I do hope that you can find and neutralize this diabolical scamware so that others and I can go back to blissfully viewing this website without any fear.
From what I understand, it could be that the Ads has already been compromised. There HAS been report that some ADs may have been redirected without the site's knowledge.
However, it can also stem from ads that been used on Yahoo or such. try changing your site to simple yahoo search site or google that doesn't contain much ads. just a simple search bar and what not.
also, check your installed program to see if any 3rd party software has been installed.
Not going to be easy to determine where their viruses came from, but right now, Chrome is blocking Fakku whenever the ads are loading, saying "Content from sexrolodexno.com, a known malware distributor, has been inserted into this web page." Not saying that's the source but seems suspicious.
I'm also getting popups that I've never gotten on Fakku before.
Just had the very same issue. This was the only H website I actually relied on, now this is just stressing my trust. I want to be able to read H, not have incessant pop ups every time I flip pages and have "FBI Virus Warnings"... Unbelievable. I never thought I'd see the day this would happen here of all places... The best of all Hentai sites.