Jacob wrote...
I envision a world where all of the hentai produced is available in English the same day it is released in Japan. I want it to be made available uncensored and DRM free. I want to see the artists engage with their fans outside of Japan and embrace their international audience. I want to subscribe to my favorite magazines and read all of the chapters inside them every month (even the unpopular artists). I don't want to wait months for a group to pick up the chapter I was looking forward to. I don't want to wait for a book to be scanned or see some awful translator butcher the work of one of my favorite artists.
With FAKKU we have the opportunity to make that happen. It will take a while to figure out how to do it correctly and how to convince people who have been pirating this content for so many years that it's worth paying for. But I believe we can do it. That is my goal with FAKKU and I will do everything I can to achieve it.
Well, if my knowledge is OK about the industry, in Japan they sell Hentai Magazines and Artists Books when an artists is successful and made enough content to make a book of it. The books costs more less the same you're selling them right now (a bit more the physical, a bit less the digital) and you're selling them even best as they have not censorship! I've seen around 8$ to 22$ the price in Japan. Usually the books are brought for fans of the artist in the spite of "supporting the industry", because they are kinda pricey for a fap material alone (just like fans buy hyper-priced DVD's/BDs anime just to support).
As for the magazines, where the content appears first, they are kinda cheap, like a newspaper, well, not exactly like a newspaper, a bit more, but the difference isn't that much. Usually around $4-12 range. They are huge, have a lot of different works from different artists, hentai series and so. Too much content for a so cheap price, so it's often the fap material.
Finally there are the doujinshi, or fan works, that the artist themselves sell at the different conventions on Japan, most of them on Akihabara. Frankly the doujinshis are the most massive and most delicious (or at least the ones who get more views and better scores on other sites), it looks like the magazines are a bit restrictive and bossy with they artist, not a problem with doujinshis. Usually they are sold between $1 to $5, but considering it's often a single chapter, it's heck expensive, and aren't sold that crazy. Usually they're brought for both, drool and supporting the artist who made you drool. Some artists offer some copies free (or a few, all). Usually the prices just cover the cost and sightly more, as for a fan, printing a chapter is quite pricey over there.
How you can translate them to the overseas English market? I think with the books you've already done a very good job. To increase books success you need to increase the hype around them. How? Well, most people here doesn't know who are the artists of the books being sold, while you can look their fan translated works beforehand, there isn't any incentive to look more (aside going to other hentai site to just check the fappability of the book being sold). On Japan people often buys the book because they are hardcore fans of that artist, but here it's hard to being a hardcore fan without information of the artists, their artists chronology, photos, news or anything that isn't in Japanese.
I think making a simple bio about the artist and putting a bit more emphasis on him/her would result in the eventual creation of more hardcore fans who will change of mind and buy him/her book to support. I think informing more about the hentai books market on Japan would result in convincing some, too, as most people doesn't have any idea that successful artist get their own book sold in the more less same fashion you're doing (for example I didn't know until a year ago).
As for magazine I guess you can start by making a joint with a magazine, they hand you their work beforehand, your team translate them, then you release the magazine like a book in two formats: Chapters separated, you can pay for a single chapter for a very, very cheap price. Each chapters price would be the total of chapters divided by the magazine original price. And then you can sell the magazine complete and all it's content, highlighting you're gonna acquire
all that much hentai 20% cheaper as would cost buying each one alone or something like that.
I would still leave 1 or 2 chapters free for promotional reasons OR, a free delicious sample page for each chapter with it's full mighty quality and making it clear you won't get it anywhere else earlier so quickly!
Making a market of doujinshis is pretty much impossible because it's only possible in Japan because fans and artist live in less than 30 minutes travel, but I guess if you contact some doujinshi artist you would get to a sort of agreement that they hand you their work beforehand.
Today not, but in the future you would create an F-Credits money system (or just using a general digital money system if one become massive in the future) to make single chapter or 2-3 books in one shot buying friendlier, akin to the success of Nintendo E-Shop or PSN.
I would also suggest the artist to write a small wink message for their overseas fans, yes, it's simple, yet it's charming works so much! And maybe giving artist and hentai companies the stats sells and so in a comfy and public way would be a great incentive to make em' think in their overseas fans! (That would need a Japanese interface).
Of course all that will take it's time and so, and are just an analyze, suggestions and ideas from my part to try to convince more people. Well, those are my two cents, I hope you can accomplish your whole dream! (I think it's completely possible and you're in good way for it! Ignore the naymakers, work hard and properly and you can nail it~).