Anyway, instead of having the normal forum view, I did a rough mockup of what we can have instead --
EDIT: fuck you too, Imgur >:(
The goal here is to have the server do as much as possible so you guys can take control of the actual moderation (instead of maintaining stickies and everything else). Basically, you've got the current battle displayed on top with the vote buttons, then the bottom half of the page is divided into two columns -- the left is the most recent posts for the current battle's thread (and a quickreply box). The right is a list of the upcoming battles for the next week or so (whatever fits on the page).
Some points --
* We'll be able to just pre-load the system with a set of character name+images; we can have it autogenerate from there :
+ The bracket.
+ The bracket images (or however we lay that out) as the game progresses.
+ All of the battle threads.
+ The battle schedule.
* I kind of want to highlight posts in the battle threads based on how the person voted on that battle (though I imagine it'll be pretty clear). Maybe just on the front page.
* All of the threads are handled by the normal forum software -- the only thing that I think would be beneficial to change is the actual landing page (instead of a raw forum view) and automating some of the tasks.
Thoughts, comments, criticisms? How can we make this as streamlined as possible for both you guys and the users?