CBRX wrote...
I'll see what I can do.^^
FAKKU - Hide Threads v1.0[/color]
It's a very simple Chrome extension which allows you to hide threads you don't want to see by right clicking on the link to the thread (eg. the title or the image)
The threads will be hidden by setting their display property to
hidden since removing the whole DOM-Object-Node would take an awful lot of time.
You can find a list of all hidden threads in the extensions option page (Chrome > Addons > FAKKU - Hide Threads > Options).
All hidden thread entries have the following format: [boardid|threadid]
You CAN edit this text, but I can't guarantee that the extension will run without any problems after playing around with it.
The extension will check EVERY thread with the active forums id so you should probabbly clear the list from time to time to make the extension faster.
Note: This extension is just changing the way you see the forums, it's not connected to the FAKKU server and can't fill the page with the next threads, so if you hide 99% of all thread on page 1 you'll just see 1% (~=1) threads on this page.
Download: https://www.dropbox.com/s/eavogz3138fqsrq/fakku-hidethreads.crx
(Just Drag-n-Drop the .crx file into your Google Chrome's extension page)
I didn't immediately see this because the thread wasn't bumped, I'll try it out in a bit. Thanks.