swtrse wrote...
Misaki_Chi wrote...
Probably because the notion of having to go this far with such an idea versus just scrolling down or clicking the back tab is pointless to people. Not to say that you're idea is stupid, just more or less a why bother? It's like that guy who lost the remote to his TV saying he can't change the channel when he could just get up and do it.
Also this is fakku, if you haven't been on the forums before, then my advice is to lurk around here more to understand how it works, questioning the rep system is pointless to say the least.
Heureka the first real answer. Ok.
To be clear I know FAKKU since forever and I am here nearly every day. I read the forums frequently and just found no reason to create an account until know.
I am not questioning the rep system itself just the people that uses it.
It is clear that this is a controversal theme. I just got to the conclusion from the posts in the forum that some people want the possibility to hide that content. For that people i created this small fix that hardly took 10 seconds of my time. I do not use it myself I just felt that so some people that is exactly what they wanted.
So using them is a personal choice, but to condemn the one that make that choice possible is the wrong way.
I juse Greasmonkey a lot to make websites more "useable" and add features that are not implemented jet so I'm very familiar with it. Personaly I also uses an skript that adds an tag filter to the main page where I can dynamicly hide books based on filters. Comined with the search bar this is a very powerful tool.
Not bashing you for your creation, I just personally think it's pointless myself. Doesn't mean everyone else think's so, but just my opinion really so disagree if you want.
Other then that if you did know fakku well enough, you would know not to comment on the rep system. Usually that is a huge new user mistake and the rep means shit on here other then people don't like what you have to say for whatever reason. Sure the system can be abused every now and then, but it's working the way it's intended (to create butthurt for all) so yeah no point in bitching about it lol.