Gravity cat wrote...
Taz_9000 wrote...
some tags are fidden, you do need to turn off hid Controversial Content,
plus do with lack of some contents.
Jacob has said if someone believes there should be tag, to link 10 mag/books that have that tag and they will review it and add it.
I remember that was the requirement way back when, but is that still a thing?
Yeah, he's said it recently iirc.
The tl;dr is, if it's not in at least 10+ chapters as a major part of the story, not just a single page meme, it's not getting a tag.
If it's not something major as well, it's probably not getting a tag.
Like, there's literally no need for 20,000 tags like some of the sites have. Some of it is like 20 different versions of the same tag.
That and you'll start getting single chapter per tag, which then people whinge about that, when the tag is so niche in reality, that it's probably never going to get any other chapters through the magazines they have. Yuri is a kinda good example of that. Such a niche genre, that it's rarely in many magazines, let alone there being magazines purely dedicated to it. And it's a big tag, but because of it actually being niche in the land of the bippu, it doesn't get many uploads