Waar wrote...
the vote to have a user banned is a ridiculous idea, we don't ban people based on popularity.
Of course not. It wouldn't be like voting someone off American Idol, or whatever.
What I had meant was for many normal users (non-mods) to be able to vote to have an annoying, good for nothing user removed. Normally this is something only a mod can do,.. but this idea would give the 'power to the people'. It's main use would be to remove someone that the mods didn't notice was a problem, or to remove a person that is 'protected', that is someone that is friends with a mod or mods.
However, now that I really think about it,.. it's all of nothing. Even if you did ban someone, they can always make a new account. And even if you banned their IP, they can just log on on a different computer.
I guess it can't be helped. The good thing about a forum is that anyone can post on it. The bad thing about a forum is that anyone can post on it.
You'll have to excuse me if I was rude in my last post, I was pissed off when I wrote that. (Although the part about me being a nice guy is true of course. =)