Nachbar wrote...
This is how I organize my hentais:
Pictures folder just regular/random pictures
Manga has pure manga in it
Doujinshi is series sorted and random pictures are from unknown series, I don't really have that many random pictures in there so I don't sort by genre.
Original folder is sorted by artist and if I don't know the artist its in an unknown folder in there.
Also, you save about 10% of space if you keep your doujins and manga in a zip or rar file and then use a viewer like cdisplay to open and view them.
I also have a hentai video folder in like this:
Videos has movies and TV shows in it and an anime folder packed with animu
Etc is my pron folder, called it that in case family decides to invade my computer
and hentai inside of that is full of hentais. I don't sort by genre or anything, usually the title of the movie is self-explanatory.
Its a guide so you can prevent having random pictures in one folder so finding them would become a complete issue in the future. I myself like to look at what ive collected from time to time so organizing my folders and pictures helps me find what im looking for. Its very useful when you want to share pictures with others on fakku or any hentai site in general.
Using .zip and .rar is best for videos and sound only files; CD's aren't the best way to go with storage because a single scratch in a certain spot Such as the edges of it can cause it not to read or load slowly. I even found out how to password protect my folders so only i can access them and no one else but i didn't explain that in the guide because the process takes time and a bit of coding.
I even password protected my USB drive and i backed up everything. All this is updated twice every week to insure that its not lost. It all really depends on how you want to sort your hentai and how to protect it, This is just my way and the guide is a small part of that :3.