- Mozzila firefox > 3.0,
- Java(last version can be obtained
here, but you probably already have it). Keep in mind that to get the correct look from the app (seen in the screenshot) you should have the last version of java available, otherwise it could adopt the default look)
- Medium-High Screen Resolution (below 1280x768 only single-page mode is recommended).
Manga Streamer is a reader for online manga readers (yes you didn't read it wrong), basically the program installs a firefox plugin that allows the user to open the manga chapter he's reading in one external program made by myself, the manga chapter is after that streamed and cached in the program (like a video stream) and you can go back and next as you want without further browsing.
P.s. after installation of the firefox plugin you will have to put the toolbar somewhere going in firefox in View->Toolbar->Personalize and picking the app icon
- Directly opened from firefox (but you can open any manga without firefox just by copying the link and pasting it in the text-field of the program);
- Full screen;
- Double page / Single page mode;
- Automatic adjustment to screen resolution;
- Page orientation changeable;
- Archiving capabilities (also with auto-save mode);
- Bookmarking capabilities;
- Possibility to open from zip's and folders
- Support for mangashare, onemanga, 1000manga mangafox, mangatoshokan, ourmanga, mangareader, mangavolume, bleachexile, animevibe, animea, seekmanga, mangaeden, ngemanga, citymanga, mangable, doujintoshokan and lu.scio.us
and fakku.
MangaStreamer 0.4.6 installer: Download
Alternative Download
Some Screenshots:
NEW UPDATE: (01/08/10) 17:20 UTC
- Added support to mangaeden.com, ngemanga.com, citymanga.com(user request), mangable.com(user request), doujintoshokan.com(user request) and lu.scio.us
- Fixed mangashare parser and animea parser(this one worked, but not properly, loading more pages that it should)
- Added dropbox support for mangashare, mangareader, mangavolume, animevibe, animea, seekmanga and mangatoshokan (all the missing one's, now all parsers have dropbox support)
- Added ability to cancel threads midterm (basically now you can change chapters on the fly at any moment without having to wait for them to load)
- Change in magnifier algorythm (the new one is smoother)
- Added drop-box support to Bleachexile and mangafox
- Added minimize action on right-click menu
- Fixed ourmanga parser (they added Apache URL rewrite), mangatokoshan parser, (they changed some of their JavaScript functions it seems) and mangafox parser (they didnt change anything significant, small adjustment)
- Added support to firefox 4
- Save bookmark fixed, wasn't working properly
- Added space-bar and scroll button as next page buttons (user suggestion)
- Fixed bug in right click bar (when opened without any parameters open file and open url manually wouldn't be possible)
- Added chapter dropbox for onemanga and 1000manga(other webpages will have it soon).
- Fixed bug in opening file(and then cancelling it)
- Fixed minor flushing data problem(after dozen of continuous visualizations)
- Automatic saving option added in options
- Fixed bug with animevibe parser
- Added bookmarking capabilities (Load bookmark & Save bookmark)
- Added Right-click menu. Now most of the software functions go throught that menu.
- Removed mangastream support at their administration request
- Added support to bleachexile(this covers the majority of mangastream work), animevibe, animea and seekmanga
- Fixed fakku and 1000manga parsers
- Added reading from folder and zip archives capabilities
- Added one splash screen(that informs people of the stream status)
- Added slider to costumize page spacing in "Options"
- Added Zoom capability (Use L to zoom/unzoom) (still a bit unstable)
- Other Cosmetic Fixes
Previous: "PageUp", "Left Arrow" and "Up Arrow"
Next: "PageDown", "Right Arrow", "Space", "Middle Mouse Button" and "Down Arrow"
Exit the program: "Escape" or "End"
Zoom/Unzoom: "L"
Open link(in case of manual input): "Enter"
Next Chapter: "P"
Previous Chapter: "O"
P.s. I now have a blog where i will also post releases and updates of the software (as the number of webpages supported is reaching the limit of being able to post in all the forums)