Vahnvahn wrote...
Hi i have been on this site for a couple of years. And i was positively amazed by all the amazing manga on here. And i checked it out every day without fail and saw so much new stuff.
One day i noticed much of the stuff i love started dissapearing. I was confused and scared. My feast was starting to turn into a loave of bread here and there.
Awhile later i finally decided to make an account to try and favorite the issues i loved and keep track of them, and yet i couldnt find them anymore. I finally looked into it. I had found out that there was a great purge. And i was never angry, just sad and dissapointed. My once amazing site had gone in a new direction, and i understand why. They want to be legit and bring even more amazing wonders to the table. But yet for me it is still bare. Sometimes i see something amazing uploaded and then i try to see it and i find that it is a book or subscription base. And i weep, and i resist temptation. I want to suscribe, but with money so tight because of my EMT school... i hold off. I feels like an excuse, but as an adult i realize i have to cut back. But once i get a good job and finish school and money isnt so tight.... then i will be able to suscribe without worrying about my wallet.
And the english physical books are every so tempting. But i must wait. I will support FAKKU in spirit and with my sight visits, just not with money. ... not yet. I will survive and perservear on the crumbs that i am handed for now.
One day i will join the rest of you suscribers at the banquet. I just hope that if i ever find a gf that she doesn't find my hentai fapping and potential future hentai manga collection creepy or gross.
The Canadian Fapper.
There are plans to rotate free contents next year