Xammie wrote...
Just purchased Renai sample and PBG from Bosshi and as one would normally assume, I believed it would work as does the rest of the site. In addition to this there was no 'requirements' anywhere on the purchase page. With me running iOS 5.1 had I known this there was no way I would have purchased a 'digital' paperweight. Is there any way I can fix this or will I have to get a refund as I don't fap on desktops and I'm not upgrading and in the process losing my jailbreak with software that will never be supported on iOS 8
We've heard about these iOS 5.1 issues before. The main reason we haven't fixed them yet is that we have been unable to get our hands on a device that would be running iOS 5.1, thus making it impossible for us to figure out where exactly the problems lie.
Anyway, with the DRM-free digital downloads, you should be able to use any comic reading software on your device in the meantime.
luinthoron wrote...
The scrolling page changing is slightly annoying, yes, and while I'm glad there's an option to turn it off, I wish the reader would remember my choice the next time I use it so I wouldn't have to do this every time.
The setting not getting saved is a bug. I'll be looking into this.
blackice85 wrote...
hub0083 wrote...
I have to admit - I'm not a big fan of the new reader. Specifically, if you're on a desktop, you're basically forced to use the keyboard if you don't want the red borders constantly popping in and out. I prefer to use my mouse when reading online, but the borders pop up whenever I move the position slightly. Likewise, I find it really annoying how the reader changes pages whenever you scroll up/down too far - I wish this wasn't the default behavior.
Any chance for a no frills reader as an alternative?
Yeah the border popping is horribly annoying, I'm hoping we'll see an improvement.
The borders pop up if you move the mouse cursor near the edges - if you keep it around the center, nothing happens (and if you keep your mouse still and only roll the wheel, the borders shouldn't pop up either).
I guess I could see about making the pop up area smaller, though.