joeiscrazy wrote...
when your trying to view the Flinstones: Pebbles Wedding one (sorry i dont recall the name off the top of my head) after you get to a certain page you cant view it online any more because for each page it addes more /'s to the link so it ends up getting to long to work.
That's actually a problem that has popped up several times. Aside from informing JAcob of it and waiting for it to be fixed, there is another way to prevent the /s from adding up.
To get around that problem, just use the back button before going to a new page, that way the /s don't add up. For example: view page 2, then 3, then use the back button on your browser to return to 2 and then skip directly to 4. By doing that you can avoid adding to the number of /s every time except for moving from 1 to 2 and x9 to x0 (as in 9 to 10, 19 to 20, etc).