Hey, I know I'm new to this site and I shouldn't act cocky, but I really enjoy this website. But I hate the fact that there's so much left over topics. And I would hate for the website admin to deal with a ton of topics. So I wanted to help by removing most of the old or useless topics with either a dead link, a banned link, or linking to the actual games.
I'm not trying to be mean, but I just want to help remove the amount of old topics to even a page or more. Even a single page will be great to help them. I don't mind that you don't like me or you think that I'm stupid and shouldn't even bother but I just want to do something for this site. That's all.
You wanna help? Stop suggesting things and actually do something out there. If you feel like a thread can no longer be of use, just use the Report button and write down what's needed. If, however, the topic can be revived again with good intention and use, PM the creator of the thread (if he or she is still active) and tell them you wanna help. Otherwise, put it out of its misery yourself if it's such an eyesore to you.
They already told you to just press the [report] button to those kind of topics...
Sorting out topics are tiring (believe me, handling a forum is hard) and what's more, the amount of posts that a member has will be decreased because he/she posted in there.