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Feedback, Suggestions, and Support


FAKKU Reader Help, Feedback and Bug Report Thread Welcome! This is the help, feedback and bug report thread for FAKKU Reader. FAKKU Reader has been built with both desktop …
FAKKU Tag Suggestions Any suggestions for new tags should go in this topic. Before posting a new tag suggestion, please do the following: Go through the …
[ Locked ] FAKKU Rules and Frequently Asked Questions Please read this compilation topic of site rules and FAQs before posting! …


Languages... When looking at what language the manga/dojinshi is, they all say japanese, despite them being actually english. (The flag is still how it should be) Or better yet, look here for example:…
Can't download Hi, I know I am now but I can't download. :?: I get "The page cannot be found" if there is something I need to do or it is down then I am sorry for asking. :(
Reputation Display Bug It appears, sometimes a poster's reputation rating is the same as the poster above him/her.
Japanese locale settings for games made easy (XP only) Sorry if this isn't the right spot for it but it seems that it would fit here perfect. Since people repeatedly complain about issues with changing the language and everything, I might as well post thi…
a little bug that most people would probably overlook after posting a message, a wait-page follows where i would be automatically sent to back to the latest page of the topic that i posted on after a certain duration of time if i click the "F…
Posting Images Can I post images to add to the Fakku collection, if so how? I would apreciate an answer b/c I have many pics I haven't seen on Fakku.
View unanswered posts Looks like the "View unanswered posts" link doesn't work anymore.
CAN You help ME???? Can you help how to put some folder and sub folder in the image area ? :?: :?:
Search Function For the forums that is, but I was wondering if you were considering adding in the old search options at all though, I really appreciated being able to find English only or full color only.
Feedback on the View Online feature. I think you did a really good job with this. The quality of the videos that you can watch online is very good, compared to most sites that have something similar that they might as well be showing to…
Broken Link on the View Online Page When using the view online option, if you click on the link to the forums, it takes you to https://www.fakku.net/releases.php.
rapidshare bypassing?premium acc or link generator? got loads of hentai games that need rapidshare to download!please any1 help me out?i only got some megaupload premium link generator need rapidshare ones~thx!
Bypass download limit on Rapidshare, Mega Upload, etc I change/hide my IP by using HideMyAss which allows me to download unlimited files as I want on rapidshare & megaupload... H…
Uncencored Hey, im not so new, but a new forumer, and i dont know if this topic has come up and i don't want to read/look for it. so if this site is saposed to be about porn mangas then why is almost evryone hav…
FAKKU HAS WIN Yup. The videos, Another Lady Innocent in particular, are awesome. And the "View Online" feature. Awesome. I didn't have to spend 10 minutes downloading it--just 2 loading the page. Jacob, you are a g…
Can't download or view movies online Um, even though the main page says that movie downloads and view online features are working fine, I can't seem to download or view any of them. Is it because there's been another temporary problem wi…
Advertisement I don't understand why below of the page got a animated advertisement since you finished uploading all the manga. I thought last time we do not have.
cannot view Images I can't see anything but the thumbnails of the images, even my own uploads. Anyone else have this problem?
Uploading stuff I haven't ever eally uplaoded a .rar file anywhere before, how do I do it?
Sub Categories for Zero No Tsukaima~ Please add Sub Categories to Zero No Tsukaima! Please add Louise,Siesta,Tabitha,Kirche,Henrietta and Group?