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Feedback, Suggestions, and Support


FAKKU Reader Help, Feedback and Bug Report Thread Welcome! This is the help, feedback and bug report thread for FAKKU Reader. FAKKU Reader has been built with both desktop …
FAKKU Tag Suggestions Any suggestions for new tags should go in this topic. Before posting a new tag suggestion, please do the following: Go through the …
[ Locked ] FAKKU Rules and Frequently Asked Questions Please read this compilation topic of site rules and FAQs before posting! …


Log In Trouble It's strange... I can successfully log in on my laptop, however, I can't when I use my PC at home. When I try to log in on my PC, it takes me to the main page not logged on. I checked my e-mail to see…
cannot view online or download any... for some reason whenever i click d/l zip or view online i keep getting the internal error 500....
manga and dojinshi Hey i was just wonding if you could add back the search by newest manga like before thanks if you can if you cant its ok
Broken links Sexhibition The download link to Sexhibition 03 - 08 are down Other Broken Links: Sky Slave Rumble 7
best way to view downloaded manga? im kinda having trouble viewing the manga i download. Right now i am using the microsoft filmstrip function, but i assume there is a better way. Help me out if you can :)
a download link requires fixing I'm reporting that the Lucky Star Doujinshi "Momoiro Toiki" is giving me a 404 error. I have downloaded others with no problems and maybe this one just fell through the cracks.
Link to Doujin Momoiro Toiki broken/mislabeled Listed as: https://www.fakku.net/download.php?i=1527&f=momoirotoiki2&s=m&r=980768 Should be: https://www.fakku.net/download.php?i=1527&f=momoirotoiki&s=m&am…
File Renaming Software After going through Hell trying to rename/sort out all my images, i wonder if anyone here use renaming softwares? The existing renaming software in window is too weak. :evil: Just need s…
help my download got cut off and I try downloading it again but it says 403 forbidden can anyone help me
Question. How do you acess your favorties page? I just can't remember where to go to find it.
Torrents and why I hate them. Ok, so I want to download some of our videos. Problem is, we nerfed the normal download links, and now we only have torrents. I LOATHE torrents. They are useless to me. I downloaded Azereus, followed …
isit me or isit really slow downloading... I'm download 1hour per doujinshi...help?anyway to make it faster?perhaps a program or something?
Forum game. I think we should have some forum game in the forum would it be?
Rank Title Suggestions - POST HERE~ Well, if you feel like there's something missing in the forums, it's probably rank titles. Since I completely lack imagination and creativity (hence the AIDS acronym), we're going to ask what you want…
Problems uploading images. When I try to upload one or more images to the image section, it takes me to a blank screen. I accidentally backed out of the page uploading my images when I started to upload my first batch, maybe th…
How about Torrents??? I have just a question, have you guys thought to make torrents, instead of ddl But the work you do is also great Go on
"File Not Found" i was so happy when i found out fakku is here to stay... but since the new server, can anyone access anything? i know i sure cant, i've been trying every day but beyond the preview page, who's downloa…
DAMMIT PEOPLE! READ THE POSTS You are ALL asking the SAME EXACT THING. We are currently uploading all the images and doujinshi. The links need to be REPAIRED. That means stop posting these SAME THREADS every 5 frickin' minutes!
404 error im getting 404 errors across the board when i hit download. anyone else getting this too? ... on a side note my room number is 404 ... :P